Monday, June 14, 2010

Fucking list

Of things that I really cannot google..

How to be less superficial
How to be more graceful
How to care more
How to find purpose
How to want more for myself
How to be more, exciting
How to not be so jealous
How to be motivated
How to not think like everybody else
How to cope with not being gorgeous
How to be skinnier
How to be a kinder person
How to prioritize
How to be happier
How to fall in love
How to leave people I love that hurt me

And a bunch of other shit about morals and how I lack any and all.

I don't understand life one bit. So frustrated I don't want to even do it anymore. I feel like I can't make an effort anymore for anything.

And more importantly, how to figure out what I need and find it.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aspire to INSPIRE

I'm just thinking how life would be if you could just transfer thoughts with people you wanted to. if you could transport them near you. if you could just lay and watch the sky all day with them.
how it is that we always want to be near the people farthest away from us? Distance makes us patient.

Distance makes us reconsider our thoughts and what to say to the people we only get to speak to once in a blue moon, if even that. And although it's possible to see them, we don't have the time.

So what if we got more of what we wanted out of life? Not furniture, money, or anything but just.. things we take for granted like being around certain people and, a decent sleep.
What if we were all organized and healthy and fearless
What if we lived with no lines but we were still responsible?
I'm not out here to say we need to live the same each day but why do we have to get up early, go to school or work and then push ourselves further. Who has these expectations of us that, we need to like, go out for dinner after work or go grocery shopping or strive to be the best we can be.
It's not about being the best, it's about being what fits you.

I would love to not have to worry about money, or illnesses. I would love to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin and go out in shorts or something. You see how one thing I want is something that somebody else already has possession of?
It's like jealousy is just taking over everything and like, I don't even know. We need to stop being so fake and be, and stay, HUMBLE.
This is so hard to do with the pressures of this world today. We can only expand so much. Time doesn't expand though. We have limits to what we can do in life, time limits.

Our minds and thoughts will never stop expanding and there is something beautiful about this. I wish my life had more precious moments. I think, if I can be a better person; I can inspire others to do so.
It's like the movie 'pay it forward'. I don't mean just paying for somebodys something but really, moving them and helping them change their lives for the better. Because you can't change anybody, so we are told. They have to change themselves.

Theres no limits on anything okay. No limits on love, no limits on how much money we can make and no limits on how much impact we have.

Really I think I'd like to be a celebrity just for the soul purpose of having a bunch of people understand me. Like don't just wake up and think today is another day. Wake up and think, today is a beautiful day, in a perfect world we would never have bad days, just bad parts of days. Leave the people who make you unhappy.

That is all.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I hate leaving you 5 nights a week my love..

my new EDITION

Don't tell my mom or anything, but, I got a tattoo.

It's of a feather which to me defines itself as growing up and letting go. Also symbolic in means to Peter Pans little feather so I contradict myself with it's meanings - which are growing up and allowing freedom into my life yet still staying young.

Here it is:

And, for my 18th birthday which was on May 1st, I got this shirt from my sister. Incase you haven't already guessed, I do have a thing for Justin Bieber. Very much so!

At least I'm not afraid to admit it like ya'll are!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Money just changed everything.

Can I please win the jackpot? I just wanna enjoy that security of not needing a paycheque for just a lil bit. Not all of us can be in headlines n shit. Media attention good or bad, I'd take it.

I just wanna go to the moon or something and light off fireworks

I need to just kill everything I do. I'm a fool for workin' at 9.60 an hour. That can only feel good if you're livin in the Philipines. You think, you can live fine off of lke 4,000 a month but you know in reality that can't get you much. That can't get you more than you need, you know what I mean? And nowadays everything we need is everything we want. I'd rather blog than eat. I'd rather go drop a few g's than sleep. I'd probably stop showering for a few days if it meant getting a brand new Benz. So I don't really think we know, like, where to draw the line with this shit anymore.

There's so many parts to life and it's so complex. Usually we pick one aspect and just go off it it. I've just got every single part of it running through my mind at once and I don't know what to make it of. I don't know what to make of right now or the future. I hate waiting for this shit to finally come up in my mind and when it does I always forget to put it down on paper so I just end up forgetting what I just thought and what I was going to do.

I think out of everything I just said though, the real good part about life for me is the sky. Looking up at the stars right, and the moon. You know how you feel when you want something SO bad but you can't ever, ever have it? That's how I feel about space and time. I will never figure it out. Not through a wormhole, not through a black hole.. not through books, science, education, or anything. Just experience. And it's sad knowing that we don't get to experience all that we want in life. Do you think I have 4 billion just laying round to go to the moon? Probably not, yet.

So again I've just gotta keep dreaming and figure out away around this and try to get something I want that I can actually work towards reaching. Something fullfilling. Something that agrees with me like.. something, mutual.

Same goes as finding someone because I'm feeling sorta like this isn't happening quick enough or as well as I'd like it to. I just need to find some glue here to hold shit together or a new wifi connection because for the past 2 years I'm just feeling completely disconnected from reality and everything.

I guess we're all just a little bit like the moon when the world can see half of us.

for all ya'll dissin' on canadas DRAKE:

I got somethin for ya'll that'll change ya'll minds right here

courtesy OF AT-F.NET

yep. Just watch it again and again, better believe your ears, haters.

"do right and kill everything"

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Why is it so hard just to say something as real as this all the time? And why do we ALWAYS want to know what other people are thinking.. can't we just be creative in our own minds?

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Point of setting 'unrealistic' goals:

Because to you, they are unrealistic. To me, they definetly are not.

Anyways setting goals beyond reach makes you push harder and go further than you would with 'realistic' goals. Shoot higher, REACH higher. Right. Basically goals transfer you to point A, B and C in life. Do you see what I mean though? You have to be born with the right mindset for this kinda success though, you can't develop that amount of greatness.

You'll come back and read this ish when you're making like, 500,000 a year and I'm toppin' that times 5. Yeah yeah, I know..

Thank me later on this one bitches.

"Wake up misses WEST!" (or somethin' like it)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

This is how it's goin' down on my eighteenth.

Can I borrow some money?

'Cause these are hot. I'm in love with them I think. It's good to know that we can now buy love for $513.00

D&G Calf High Sneaker

Stole this from Kanye Wests' blog.

New shit.

Just gotta post about New Years and my new puppy Vida. Can't wait 'till she full grown.

Fucked my arm up on New Years on a stove, now I look like a clown with my arm all red and pink.

This is so late but happy New Years. 2010's gonna be something good even if nothing good but Drakes album (Thank Me Later) drops.