Saturday, January 30, 2010

Point of setting 'unrealistic' goals:

Because to you, they are unrealistic. To me, they definetly are not.

Anyways setting goals beyond reach makes you push harder and go further than you would with 'realistic' goals. Shoot higher, REACH higher. Right. Basically goals transfer you to point A, B and C in life. Do you see what I mean though? You have to be born with the right mindset for this kinda success though, you can't develop that amount of greatness.

You'll come back and read this ish when you're making like, 500,000 a year and I'm toppin' that times 5. Yeah yeah, I know..

Thank me later on this one bitches.

"Wake up misses WEST!" (or somethin' like it)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

This is how it's goin' down on my eighteenth.

Can I borrow some money?

'Cause these are hot. I'm in love with them I think. It's good to know that we can now buy love for $513.00

D&G Calf High Sneaker

Stole this from Kanye Wests' blog.

New shit.

Just gotta post about New Years and my new puppy Vida. Can't wait 'till she full grown.

Fucked my arm up on New Years on a stove, now I look like a clown with my arm all red and pink.

This is so late but happy New Years. 2010's gonna be something good even if nothing good but Drakes album (Thank Me Later) drops.