Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Aspire to INSPIRE

I'm just thinking how life would be if you could just transfer thoughts with people you wanted to. if you could transport them near you. if you could just lay and watch the sky all day with them.
how it is that we always want to be near the people farthest away from us? Distance makes us patient.

Distance makes us reconsider our thoughts and what to say to the people we only get to speak to once in a blue moon, if even that. And although it's possible to see them, we don't have the time.

So what if we got more of what we wanted out of life? Not furniture, money, or anything but just.. things we take for granted like being around certain people and, a decent sleep.
What if we were all organized and healthy and fearless
What if we lived with no lines but we were still responsible?
I'm not out here to say we need to live the same each day but why do we have to get up early, go to school or work and then push ourselves further. Who has these expectations of us that, we need to like, go out for dinner after work or go grocery shopping or strive to be the best we can be.
It's not about being the best, it's about being what fits you.

I would love to not have to worry about money, or illnesses. I would love to be able to feel comfortable in my own skin and go out in shorts or something. You see how one thing I want is something that somebody else already has possession of?
It's like jealousy is just taking over everything and like, I don't even know. We need to stop being so fake and be, and stay, HUMBLE.
This is so hard to do with the pressures of this world today. We can only expand so much. Time doesn't expand though. We have limits to what we can do in life, time limits.

Our minds and thoughts will never stop expanding and there is something beautiful about this. I wish my life had more precious moments. I think, if I can be a better person; I can inspire others to do so.
It's like the movie 'pay it forward'. I don't mean just paying for somebodys something but really, moving them and helping them change their lives for the better. Because you can't change anybody, so we are told. They have to change themselves.

Theres no limits on anything okay. No limits on love, no limits on how much money we can make and no limits on how much impact we have.

Really I think I'd like to be a celebrity just for the soul purpose of having a bunch of people understand me. Like don't just wake up and think today is another day. Wake up and think, today is a beautiful day, in a perfect world we would never have bad days, just bad parts of days. Leave the people who make you unhappy.

That is all.

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